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Holly Branson's blog

Who's Who


Richard Branson

Richard Branson is founder of the Virgin Group, one of the world's most recognisable brands. He’s always looking for entrepreneurial ways to drive positive change in the world...
Richard's Story

Holly Branson

Holly is Richard and Joan Branson's daughter and Virgin's Chief Purpose and Vision Officer. Holly is also a co-founder of Big Change, chair of Virgin Unite, a first-time author and mother of three…
Holly's Story

Sam Branson

Sam is Richard and Joan Branson's son, founder of Sundog Pictures, co-founder of Big Change, a passionate philanthropist and father of two. His passion for adventure and the environment has seen him take on many challenges...
Sam's Story

Eve Branson

Eve was Richard's mum and a born adventurer. In 2008, at 84 years old, Eve became the first mother in history to have a spaceship named after her...
Eve's Story
Holly Branson smiling at the camera in front of a blue background
Follow Holly
Holly is Richard and Joan Branson's daughter and Virgin's Chief Purpose and Vision Officer. Holly is also a co-founder of Big Change, chair of Virgin Unite, a first-time author and mother of three...